UPSTREAM is leading the #breakfreefromplastic movement in the US with our partners.

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A Future We Believe In & Are Creating Together

The growing #breakfreefromplastic network is made up of 6,000 individuals and 1,200 organizations working together both regionally and globally. The power of this movement is the alignment of up and downstream organizations and members across the plastics pipeline. Our partners work from where plastic production starts at the extraction level, to where it ends up as pollution in our food and waterways.

Solutions at the Source

With a history of coordinating NGOs to align efforts and work together, UPSTREAM is playing a key convening role as #breakfreefromplastic emerges in the US. We are teaming up with partners across the US to implement systemic change. Recycling has proven itself to be a failed system, and as a collective, we are focusing on the prevention of plastic pollution rather than cleaning it up. By collaborating to stop plastic production where it starts and hacking the throw-away culture, we are weaning the US off its addiction to fossil fuels so we can see our country break free from the misuse of a polluting substance.


Sign the pledge to join the leading global movement to stop plastic pollution for good.

Bali, Indonesia October 2018

Bali, Indonesia October 2018

other projects

Plastics Exposed

We are convening with scientists, medical professionals, and our #breakfreefromplastic partners to expose the health risks of plastics.

Throw-Away-Free Places

We have smoke-free zones. It’s about time we have trash-free zones too.